direttamente dal surgelatore....
lunedì 13 ottobre 2008
mercoledì 8 ottobre 2008
Coconut Muffins...
...made for my dear friend Roxy as a present for her birthday together with a marvellous whole organic Pecorino Cheese..., these are the kind of present we like giving each other on special occasions and often...
mercoledì 1 ottobre 2008
martedì 30 settembre 2008
Very Savoury Muffins
giovedì 11 settembre 2008
Black Muffins
lunedì 8 settembre 2008
Gelato ai Fichi...
...Cannella e schegge di Cioccolato..
sabato 6 settembre 2008
Broken Shoulder Pizza
...although I've got the right shoulder broken and a very annoying sling, I don't give up make my Saturday Pizza, only by the left arm (that is getting stronger in this conditions) and...
...look at this...
...figs, green tomatoes, Speck, Stracchino cheese (fichi, pomodori verdi, Speck, un po' di Stracchino) and lots of Passion...YAMMY YAMMY!
mercoledì 3 settembre 2008
Seasonal Fruit&Yogurt Pudding
Fruit is one of the most important ingredient in this dessert. Essential is having 1 kg of fresh and ripe fruit, whatever kind you prefer...
venerdì 29 agosto 2008
Desert Roses
Don't they look like beautiful flowers growing on the desert sand...?
lunedì 11 agosto 2008
Pear&Nutella Tart
...where my homemade pastry is the scenery for the perfect marriage between the juicy and sweet pears of our garden and the Nutella (Italy favourite)...

Making Pizza last Saturday, I had the idea of a different topping, as if Margery &Dennis would have come along for dinner...
lunedì 28 luglio 2008
Torta Yoghy Sandwich con Salsina alla Menta...
Punto di partenza di questo mio dessert domenicale è la semplice Torta allo Yogurt dei 7 vasetti (famosissima!)...(la ricetta nel post di sotto, in inglese)...

Yoghy Cake Sandwich with Creamy Mint Sauce
...starting point for my Sunday dessert, the 7 Pot Cake, a simple yoghurt cake (very famous recipe!), only varying the kind of yoghurt (cherry yoghurt) and mixing some pure mint syrup to the batter...
My Favourite PIZZA
This is not the BEST PIZZA (in the world!!!)...but simply MY FAVOURITE ONE...
lunedì 21 luglio 2008
MAXY Mimosa Cake
The image of this cake will always reminds me of the lovely Sunday with Roxy, Maxy and the little sweet Emma...

La MAXY Mimosa
Ogni volta che vedrò l'immagine di questa torta, ripenserò alla bella domenica trascorsa con Roxy, Maxy e la piccola dolce Emma...
lunedì 14 luglio 2008
Torta Streusel
Dovevo utilizzare una tazza di crema al cacao rimasta in surgelatore da qualche mese...

Streusel Cake
Having a cup of spare cocoa custard sauce (frozen), I had the idea of this cake consists of 4 delicious layers...It starts with a butter cake batter on which are scattered thick slices of pears in syrup covered with a generous layer of cocoa custard sauce... and all the cake is smoothered with a buttery flavor streusel...
lunedì 7 luglio 2008
Crostata di limone
Non c'è domenica che io ed il mio maritino si rinunci ad un dolcetto per concludere felicemente il nostro pranzo...anche perché cerchiamo di farne a meno durante la settimana...

Lemon Tart
There is no Sunday without a Dessert to end our lunch...as we don't usually have any during the week...
It was a very hot day and this the perfect choice for our barbecue lunch...while watching the F1 Grand Prix...
The ingredients...
for the CRUST: 140 gr all purpose flour, 36 gr icing sugar, pinch of salt, 114 gr unsalted butter cut into pieces(softened);
venerdì 4 luglio 2008
Pizza baked...
on a special stone placed in the electric oven...
giovedì 3 luglio 2008
Insalata rinfrescante di Nasello Atlantico

Refreshing Hake Salad
This recipe(same as above) is for my friend Katy, who loves fish cooked in a natural way... Infact, this recipe is also very easy and, if she prepared it in advance, could take it to work for her picnic-lunch...
lunedì 30 giugno 2008
Fried Fish
I must admit I love fried food...I think any edible thing, when fried, is good, isn't it..., is so tasty!
Summer Fruit Cake
...for this recipe, I ordinarily use 1kg of apples but this time I only had a can of pineapple and 3 ripe kiwis... I've made it anyway...
lunedì 23 giugno 2008
Gattò Vestito Estate
...per salutare l'arrivo dell'estate, del sole, del caldo...ma soprattutto per deliziare la mia adorata nonnetta Maria